Swedish Association of Communication Agencies
Merchandise, commissioned by the Swedish Association of Communication Agencies, for the book Uppdrag: Gyllene affärer. Ett uppslagsverk över svenska framgångssagor. Guldägget 1961–2011 (Commission: Golden deals. A compendium of Swedish success stories. The Golden Egg 1961–2011). Packaging systems, labels and items of clothing. (2011)
Swedish Association of Communication Agencies
Merchandise, commissioned by the Swedish Association of Communication Agencies, for the book Uppdrag: Gyllene affärer. Ett uppslagsverk över svenska framgångssagor. Guldägget 1961–2011 (Commission: Golden deals. A compendium of Swedish success stories. The Golden Egg 1961–2011). Packaging systems, labels and items of clothing. (2011)