Hägerfredlund Advertising Agency
Jubilee book for the Hägerfredlund Advertising Agency in connection with the company’s first ten years in 2008: 1998–2008.
Text: Lennart Häger.
Bound with tipped in picture on cover, 120 pp., 148x105 mm, offset. Six pictures represent
Jean Tinguely’s (1925–1991) work Méta-Matric No. 17. (2007–2008) -
Hägerfredlund Advertising Agency
Jubilee book for the Hägerfredlund Advertising Agency in connection with the company’s first ten years in 2008: 1998–2008.
Text: Lennart Häger.
Bound with tipped in picture on cover, 120 pp., 148x105 mm, offset. Six pictures represent
Jean Tinguely’s (1925–1991) work Méta-Matric No. 17. (2007–2008)